Thursday, December 11, 2014

Review: Christmas at Harrington's

Christmas at Harrington's
Christmas at Harrington's by Melody Carlson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great Christmas read! It's a tender short story about fresh starts, redemption, and true holiday spirit. And I love the cover!

Lena is just getting out of an eight year stay in prison after being wrongly accused of embezzlement at her ex-husband's church. Her parents have died while she was in prison and she has no desire to go back to that town. She finds herself in New Haven where a secondhand red coat unexpectedly lands her a job as Mrs. Santa at a department store. Lena finally thinks her luck is changing. But can she keep her past a secret?

I really enjoyed Lena's personality. She was so sweet to the kids and in spite of the injustice done to her by the people in her past she couldn't help but be a better person to those around her. The fact that she incorporated Christianity into her Mrs. Santa character was an interesting story line.

A heartwarming Christmas story with a happy ending. What more could you want? :)

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